1. 從故事的內容來設計瑜珈活動
拿到一個故事時,如何將瑜珈設計在課程中?下面以Chris and the Magic Bird(出處:Jump for Joy 5)的故事來示範。
l Once there was a 『boy』called Chris.
l Chris was a 『sad』boy. He 【wished】he were something
other than what he was. One day Chris 【wished】he were a (『dog』). So he 【crawled】 around all day on his hands and knees, and 【barked at】everyone. But Chris still 『wasn’t happy』. He wished he were something other than what he was.
l One day Chris 【wished】 he were a cherry (tree).So he 【hung some cherries on】his body and stood outside in the garden all day. He didn’t move or talk. But Chris still 『wasn’t happy』. He 【wished】he were something other than what he was.
l One day Chris 【wished】 he were a (『bird』). He【climbed】 to the top of a tall tree and【jumped】. Luckily there was a lot of snow on the ground and Chris didn’t get hurt. But Chris still『wasn’t happy』. He 【wished】he were something other than what he was.
l One day Chris was 【wishing】he were something other than what he was. A magic (bird) heard his wish. The (bird) gave Chris his wish.
l In an instant Chris became a fat, lazy(『cat』). But Chris still 『wasn’t happy』. He 【wished】 he were something other than what he was.
l In an instant Chris became a big, black, hairy (spider). But Chris still wasn’t happy. He 【wished】he were something other than what he was.
l Chris kept 【wishing】he were something other than what he was.
He 【wished】he were a(turtle), but a(turtle)was too slow. He 【wished】 he were an (owl), but an owl was too quiet. He 【wished】 he were a fox, but a fox was too sly. He 【wished】he were a (rabbit), but a rabbit was too fast. So Chris still 『wasn’t happy』. He 【wished】he were something other than what he was.
l One day Chris 【wished】he were something other than what he was. He 【wished】he were something that he had never been before….…a 『girl』. As he made his 『wish』, a magic(bird) 【flew】by and Chris became a small『girl』. But Chris still 『wasn’t happy』. He【wished】he were something other than what he was.
l Finally, Chris became a 『boy』again. He was 『happy』to just be himself. He no longer 【wished】he were something other than what he was. He was Chris. He was a 『boy』. And best of all, he was 『happy』.
A. 暖身活動:
a. 從故事中找動詞
故事中有【】符號的是動詞:crawl、bark at、wish、hang on、climb、jump、fly。老師帶著孩子一起作動作。How do you fly? How do you jump? Let’s climb from here to there.
b. 從故事中找主要角色與重複多次的相關情緒
找出故事中有『』符號的部分:boy、dog、bird、cat、girl、sad、not happy。與孩子一起發揮想像討論創作,boy怎麼表現?sad該如何表達?怎樣是happy和not happy的樣子與表情?
c. 找出與故事相關的音樂歌曲作律動
故事書若附有歌曲或音樂就可以使用,若沒有就得另外找,本故事可以運用:If You Are Happy and You Know It(備註2)這首歌來搭配。
d. 從故事中找體位法
故事中有()符號的有不同的體位:dog、tree、bird、cat、spider、turtle、owl、rabbit。老師在暖身中先帶孩子作各種體位的模擬,小狗如何走路?烏龜怎麼爬?或將故事中畫底線的句子,a (『dog』). So he 【crawled】around all day on his hands and knees, and 【barked at】everyone. 結合體位動作和劇情的句子帶著孩子一起作一遍。
B. 瑜珈活動
a. 先教每一個體位,教完後,老師開始說故事。
體位名稱 |
體位教學 |
體位方式 |
體位動作 |
狗式 Dog |
T: Everyone, we will now act like a dog. Put your hands on the ground. Now walk like a dog. Activity: Let’s walk forwards. Now let’s walk backwards.
身體跪坐。 →雙手向前,手掌向下撐在地板上。 →雙手慢慢向前移動,身體慢慢拱起。 →手臂伸直,屁股翹起,頭部自然放下,身體像一個山洞一樣。 →數5秒後回復。 |
樹式 Tree |
T: Now we will act like a tree. Activity: Make a tall tree like this. Make a short tree. Now let’s make a fat tree. Can you make a skinny tree? |
雙腳站穩,身體不晃動,雙手插腰。 →右腳抬起腳掌放於左腿膝蓋間。 →雙手向上舉直合掌。 →數5~10下(也可數數看自己可以站立多久)。 →回復身體站立姿勢。 →換腳。 |
鳥式 Bird |
T: Let’s act like a bird and fly everywhere.
雙腳站穩。 →雙手置身體後方像鳥的翅膀一樣。 →兩腳踮起。 →雙眼注視前方。 →做鳥的自由飛行狀。
貓式 Cat |
T: Bend down and put your hands and legs on the floor. Arch your back and look upward. Let’s make a sound like a cat, Meow!
身體跪坐。 →雙手往前手掌向下撐在地板上,屁股離開小腿,像小貓一樣。 →吸氣,頭向上抬起,鼓起肚子(學貓叫/Meow)。 →吐氣,頭向內看著自己縮小腹,身體拱起。 →反覆進行3~5次。 |
蜘蛛式 Spider |
T: Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and come into a squatting position. Bring your palms together and use your elbows to push your knees wider apart. Stay in this pose for several breaths. |
身體站直與肩同寬。 →兩腳半蹲。 →雙手合掌,兩手肘靠緊,兩腳盡量往外。 →自然呼吸,保持姿勢5秒後回復站姿。 |
烏龜式 Turtle |
T: Sit down and put your feet together like this. Now put your hands under your legs. You can put your hands up or down.
坐於墊上,雙腳屈膝張開,約與肩同寬。 →身體上半身向前傾,雙手由兩腿內側向外方伸出,像一隻烏龜一樣。 →將雙手放於墊上,手掌朝上或朝下都可以。 →保持姿勢10秒。 |
貓頭鷹式 Owl |
Concentrate on something in front of you, stand on your toes, bend over, while putting your arms straight behind you. Face forward. |
身體站直,雙腳與肩同寬。 →踮起雙腳,上半身向前彎腰。 →兩手向後伸直與身體平行。 →臉朝前,注視前方。 →保持姿勢5秒。 |
兔子式 Rabbit |
T: Let’s jump like a rabbit. Squat and put your arms like this. Now let’s jump.
身體站直。 →雙腳呈半蹲狀態。 →雙手微握拳擺於胸前,像小兔子的前腳一樣。 →站於原地跳10下。也可前後左右來回跳動。 |
b. 第一遍,老師邊說故事,當故事中有體位法出現時,教孩子該種體位姿勢。第二遍將故事與體位一起結合,邊說邊作。
c. 說故事中,除了一起表演體位法,連同劇情一起加入,如
◎ Chris was a 『sad』boy.
◎He『wished』 he were something other than what he was.
◎One day Chris wished he were a (『dog』) .
C. 按摩
D. 靜心時間
E. 分享
a. 說好話 / Say good words.
b.知足 / Be content.
c. 身體保持整潔 / Keep yourself clean.
d.不傷害他人 / Don’t harm others.
e.幫助他人 / Help others.
f. 簡樸生活 / Live a simple life.
g.不斷學習 / Study yourself.
h. 用心看世界 / See with your heart.
2. 由體位法找尋相關的故事
A. 暖身與瑜珈活動時間
a. 兔子與烏龜式:The Hare and the Tortoise
b. 獅子式: The Lion King. Alice in Wonderland
c. 鳥式:The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts
d. 貓式:Belling the Cat. Puss-in-Boots
B. 靜心與分享時間
a. 山式、樹式、花式: 保育大自然的故事。
b. 鹿式、鳥式:愛護動物的故事。
C. 由體位法自創或改編故事
a. 自創故事
◎ 單一體位法的小故事
蝴蝶式:Go to School.(A Beautiful Day)
自創故事 |
體位教學 |
體位動作 |
I am a butterfly. This is my first day for school. |
讓孩子坐於墊上,腳掌對腳掌,雙手握住雙腳掌,想像自己是蝴蝶寶寶。 |
蝴蝶-1 |
My Daddy & Mommy say good bye to me and wish I had a good day. I fly with my beautiful wings .
雙腳像蝴蝶翅膀上下飛舞。 |
When I arrive at an intersection, I slow down and stop.
雙腳的上下移動速度慢慢變緩停住。 |
I look around – first left and then right.
雙腳開始上下移動。 |
Later on, I arrive at school. I say, “Wow ! I can’t believe it. I made it. I can go to school by myself!”
After saying hello to my teacher, I enter the classroom and get ready for class.
雙腳由快速震動到放慢,最後停止。 |